## Release History * **v2.9.3** - 2018-04-24 - hotfix to skipping and exiting the intro * **v2.9.2** - 2018-04-24 - hotfix to add any minified files that might have been dependencies to the npm package * **v2.9.1** - 2018-04-24 - hotfix to removing events from removed DOM elements * **v2.9.0** - 2018-04-23 - Added @bozdoz as Author - Fixed scroll positions when parent element is scrollable - Added DOM Event helper function and _stamp to uniquely identify objects and intro instances; fixes issues with removing event listeners - Added new syntax for radial gradients - Fixes to CSP violations to avoid using `setAttribute` - Fix to intro groups from PR #80 (also PR #763) - optional `buttonClass` option to overwrite 'introjs-button' - Added `onskip` callback * **v2.9.0-alpha.1** - 2017-12-02 - Supporting scroll option `off` - Improved accuracy of tooltip positions - Improved auto position - Changed HTML attributes to lowercase - Improved coding style - Many bug fixes * **v2.8.0-alpha.1** - 2017-08-30 - Enabling `onbeforechange` to return bool and prevent the next step to display - Updating disable interaction layer after window resize - Fixing disable interaction layer z-index issue * **v2.7.0** - 2017-08-17 - Added `onbeforeexit` callback - Added `force` parameter to `exit()` - Added Code of Conduct and Contributing guide files * **v2.6.0** - 2017-07-29 - Per step disable interaction - Adding `scrollTo` option - Better scrolling method - Fixing pulse animation issue on IE - Adding a new method to show the popup of specific hint - Fixing build script - Some minor bug fixes * **v2.5.0** - 2017-03-22 - SVG support - Adding new function: `goToStepNumber`, `removeHint`, `removeHits` - Adding new positions for hints - Adding library to Yarn - Fixing documentation - and many minor bug fixes + refactoring * **v2.4.0** - 2016-12-11 - New documentation - New template: Modern - Added showHint and showHints - Added Dart and R wrappers - Minor bug fixes and coding style issues * **v2.3.0** - 2016-07-01 - Fixing the conflict with Bootstrap 3 - Adding two new options to hide next and previous button in first and last steps - Add web components compatibility (polymer) - Removing `position: absolute` from parent fix class - Fixing typo in hint pulse class - Adding a Bootstrap 3 example + different positions example - and some minor bug fixes. * **v2.1.0** - 2016-04-20 - Removed javascript:void hrefs in order to support CSP - Add hideHint function to public api - Add re-align hints to refresh function + skip hidden elements for intro - Added a check for ghost elements - Remove `introjs-fixedTooltip` if not needed - Removed any leftover introjs-fixedTooltip class - CSS - Make filter a string - Add new template 'flattener' - Updating documentation + adding Emberjs - and some minor bug fixes. * **v2.0.0** - 2015-12-21 - Adding `hint` feature - Updating templates * **v1.1.1** - 2015-09-05 - Fix versioning issue * **v1.1.0** - 2015-09-01 - Fix no interaction bug - Fix recursion bug with jQuery - Call `onexit` on pressing Esc or clicking on the overlay layer - Fix helper layer positioning issue when the content changes - Fix transform is 'undefined' in IE 8 - Fix coding style issues * **v1.0.0** - 2014-10-17 - Auto-positioning feature for tooltip box - Add progress-bar to tooltip box - Fix `z-index` issue - Add dark template - Fix bad sizing with Bootstrap 3 - Add disable interaction ability - Fix code styling issues and many minor bug fixes * **v0.9.0** - 2014-05-23 - Add IntroJS templates - Add more tooltip positions (bottom-right, bottom-middle, bottom-left) - Fix table `tr` element's issue * **v0.8.0** - 2014-03-25 - Ability to define introductions without focusing on elements - Fix Internet Explorer 8.0 issue - Add `_direction` property * **v0.7.1** - 2014-03-11 - Fix "Too much recursion" issue with Firefox and Internet Explorer. * **v0.7.0** - 2014-02-07 - Add `onafterchange` event - Add scrolling to element option - Add `nextStep` and `previousStep` functions publicly - Add `_cloneObject` method to prevent data overwriting - Fix null elements problem with programmatic definition - Fix issues with single-step introductions - Fix top margin problem on hidden elements - Fix stacking context problem caused by element opacity - Fix call exit() on null elements - Update documentation and add more details on CDN servers and RTL example * **v0.6.0** - 2013-11-13 - Add step bullets with navigating - Add option to hide introduction navigating buttons - Make keyboard navigation optional - Making `data-step` optional with elements - Fix scroll issue when scrolling down to elements bigger than window - Fix Chrome version 30.0.1599.101 issue with hiding step numbers - Fix incorrect calling onExit callback when user clicks on overlay layer - Fix coding styles and improvement in performance * **v0.5.0** - 2013-07-19 - Add CSS class option for tooltips (And tooltip buttons also) - Add RTL version - Ability to add HTML codes in tooltip content - Ability to add DOM object and CSS selector in programmatic API (So you can use jQuery selector engine) - Add `refresh()` method to refresh and order layers manually - Show tooltip buttons only when introduction steps are more than one - Fix `onbeforechange` event bug and pass correct object in parameters - Fix `Null element exception` in some browsers - And add more examples * **v0.4.0** - 2013-05-20 - Add multi-page introduction example - Add programmatic introduction definition - Cooler introduction background! - Remove IE specific css file and embed IE support to main css file (property fallback) - Update introduction position on window resize (Also support tablet/mobile devices rotation) - Disable buttons on the first and start of introduction (Skip and Done button) - Add `onbeforechange` callback - Add `showStepNumbers` option to show/hide step numbers - Add `exitOnEsc` and `exitOnOverlayClick` options - Fix bad tooltip position calculating problem - Fix a bug when using `!important` in element css properties - Fix a bug in `onexit` behavior - Code refactoring * **v0.3.0** - 2013-03-28 - Adding support for CommonJS, RequireJS AMD and Browser Globals. - Add `goToStep` function to go to specific step of introduction. - Add `onchange` callback. - Add `exit` function to exit from introduction. - Adding options with `setOption` and `setOptions` functions. - More IE compatibility. - Fix `min-width` bug with tooltip box. - Code cleanup + Better coding style. * **v0.2.1** - 2013-03-20 - Fix keydown event unbinding bug. * **v0.2.0** - 2013-03-20 - Ability to define tooltip position with `data-position` attribute - Add `onexit` and `oncomplete` callback - Better scrolling functionality - Redesign navigating buttons + add previous button - Fix overlay layer bug in wide monitors - Fix show element for elements with position `absolute` or `relative` - Add `enter` key for navigating in steps - Code refactoring * **v0.1.0** - 2013-03-16 - First commit.