# logerr Logerr or Log Error. Playing with console errors, experimental project. Started developing for Chrome but now it supports Internet Explorer as well as Edge. Formatting of the console message might mess up but rest works well. #### Online Demo [View](https://i-break-codes.github.io/logerr/) (Don't forget to open your dev console) --- #### What does it do? Provides JavaScript error details in a readable format. Recently added a feature where developers can log messages on their remote server by enabling `remoteLogging` feature of logerr. By enabling `remoteLogging`, logerr will send a post request to desired action/url with JavaScript error details along with custom parameters if required. --- #### Install via :- #### [Bower](https://bower.io/) > bower install logerr #### Manually Download `logerr.js` and follow the setup instructions below. --- #### Setup Just include `logerr.js` file and the `init()` i.e initializer in the `` section of your page, before you include any other JavaScript. `init()` will initialize the lib, where later you can pass an object to customize. ```html Am fancy ``` --- #### Enable remote logging > Make sure you have CORS enabled if logging cross-domain. ```javascript //Request type is POST Logerr.init({ remoteLogging: true, remoteSettings: { url: 'REMOTE_URL', additionalParams: { logged_by: 'Sam' }, successCallback: function () { console.log('Im logged.'); }, errorCallback: function () { console.log('Err! Something went wrong.'); } } }); ``` --- #### Default Configuration & Datatypes ```javascript detailedErrors: true //Boolean true/false, optional remoteLogging: false //Boolean true/false, optional remoteSettings: { //Object {}, required if remoteLogging is set to true url: null, //String '', required if remoteLogging is set to true additionalParams: null, //Object {}, optional successCallback: null, //function() {}, optional errorCallback: null //function() {}, optional } ``` --- #### Roadmap - [✓] Enable/Disable detailedErrors mode in console. - [✓] Remote logging - [✗] Cross browser support (Partially fixed) - [✗] Add extra parameter to console with a bug report link where stacktrace will be passed as GET params to the desired action/controller where developer can log their bugs. - [✗] Add notifications on the page if any exception. ...will add some more stuff to make debugging easy. --- #### Support - Bugs and requests, submit them through the project's issues section - Questions? DM or Tweet me [@mr_ali3n](https://twitter.com/mr_ali3n) Thanks to all contributors, stargazers, pr's, issue submissions for suggesting features and making this more awesome.