# object-fit-images > Polyfill `object-fit` and `object-position` on images on IE9, IE10, IE11, Edge, Safari, ... [![gzipped size](https://badges.herokuapp.com/size/github/bfred-it/object-fit-images/master/dist/ofi.browser.js?gzip=true&label=gzipped%20size)](#readme) [![Travis build status](https://api.travis-ci.org/bfred-it/object-fit-images.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/bfred-it/object-fit-images) [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/object-fit-images.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/object-fit-images) This adds support for `object-fit` and `object-position` to **IEdge 9-13, Android < 5, Safari < 10** and skips browsers that already support them. Take a look at the [demo.](http://bfred-it.github.io/object-fit-images/demo/) ## Main features - CPU-light code - No additional elements are created or necessary - Once set, position is taken care by the browser - You can normally get and set the ``'s `src` attribute: `img.src = 'other-image.jpg'` - `srcset` support ## Comparison table with alternative solutions ### Support | bfred-it
/object-fit-images🌟 | [constancecchen
/object-fit-polyfill](https://github.com/constancecchen/object-fit-polyfill) | [tonipinel
/object-fit-polyfill](https://github.com/tonipinel/object-fit-polyfill) | [jonathantneal
/fitie](https://github.com/jonathantneal/fitie) :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- Browsers | IEdge 9-14, Android<5, Safari<10 | <- Same | "All browsers" | IE 8-11 Tags | `img` | `image` `video` `picture` | `img` | `img` `video` `cover/contain` | 💚 | 💚 | 💚 | 💚 `fill` | 💚 | 💚 | 💚 | 💚 `none` | 💚 | 💚 | 💚 | 💔 `scale-down` | 💚 using [`{watchMQ:true}`](#apply-on-resize) | 💚 | 💔 | 💔 `object-position` | 💚 | 💔 | 💔 | 💔 `srcset` support | 💚 Native or [picturefill](https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill) [notes](detailed-support-tables.md) | 💚 | 💔 | 💔 Extra elements | 💚 No | 💔 Yes | 💔 Yes | 💔 Yes ## Usage You will need 3 things 0. one or more `` elements with `src` or `srcset` ```html ``` 0. CSS defining `object-fit` and a special `font-family` property to allow IE to read the correct value ```css .your-favorite-image { object-fit: contain; font-family: 'object-fit: contain;' } ``` or, if you also need `object-position` ```css .your-favorite-image { object-fit: cover; object-position: bottom; font-family: 'object-fit: cover; object-position: bottom;' } ``` To generate the `font-family` automatically, you can use the [PostCSS plugin](https://github.com/ronik-design/postcss-object-fit-images) or the [SCSS/SASS/Less mixins.](/preprocessors) If you set the `font-family` via javascript (which must be followed by calling `objectFitImages()`), make sure to include the quotes [**in** the property.](https://github.com/bfred-it/object-fit-images/issues/29#issuecomment-227491892) 0. the activation call before ``, or _on DOM ready_ ```js objectFitImages(); // if you use jQuery, the code is: $(function () { objectFitImages() }); ``` This will fix all the images on the page **and** also all the images added later (auto mode). Alternatively, only fix the images you want, once: ```js // pass a selector objectFitImages('img.some-image'); ``` ```js // an array/NodeList var someImages = document.querySelectorAll('img.some-image'); objectFitImages(someImages); ``` ```js // a single element var oneImage = document.querySelector('img.some-image'); objectFitImages(oneImage); ``` ```js // or with jQuery var $someImages = $('img.some-image'); objectFitImages($someImages); ``` You can call `objectFitImages()` on the same elements more than once without issues, for example to manually request an update of the `object-fit` value. ## Apply on `resize` You don't need to re-apply it on `resize`, unless: * You're using `scale-down`, or * your media queries change the value of `object-fit`, like this ```css img { object-fit: cover } @media (max-width: 500px) { img { object-fit: contain } } ``` In one of those cases, use the `watchMQ` option: ```js objectFitImages('img.some-image', {watchMQ: true}); // or objectFitImages(null, {watchMQ: true}); // for the auto mode ``` ## Install ```sh npm install --save object-fit-images ``` ```js var objectFitImages = require('object-fit-images'); ``` If you don't use browserify/webpack, include this instead: ```html ``` ## API ### `objectFitImages([images, [options]])`
parameter description
images Type: string, element, array, NodeList, null
Default: null

The images to fix. More info in the Usage section
options Type: object
Default: {}
Example: {watchMQ:true}

watchMQ Type: boolean
Default: false This enables the automatic re-fix of the selected images when the window resizes. You only need it in some cases
## License MIT © [Federico Brigante](http://twitter.com/bfred_it)