![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/rVWDzcC.png) Logerr or Log Error. Playing with console errors, experimental project. Started developing for Chrome but now it supports Internet Explorer as well as Edge. #### Online Demo [View](https://i-break-codes.github.io/logerr/) (Don't forget to open your dev console) --- #### What does it do? Provides JavaScript error details in a readable format. You can log these errors remotely by enabling `remoteLogging`. After enabling, logerr will send a post request to the desired action/url with exception details along with custom parameters (if provided using `additionalParams`). --- #### Install via :- #### [Bower](https://bower.io/) > bower install logerr #### Manually Download `logerr.js` and follow the setup instructions below. --- #### Setup Just include `logerr.js` file and the `init()` i.e initializer in the `` section of your page, before you include any other JavaScript. `init()` will initialize the lib, where later you can pass an object to customize. ```html Am fancy ``` --- #### Enable remote logging > Make sure you have CORS enabled if logging cross-domain. ```javascript //Request type is POST Logerr.init({ remoteLogging: true, //Checkout https://github.com/i-break-codes/logerr-remote remoteSettings: { url: 'REMOTE_URL', additionalParams: { logged_by: 'Sam' }, successCallback: function () { console.log('Im logged.'); }, errorCallback: function () { console.log('Err! Something went wrong.'); } } }); ``` Also checkout Logerr Remote to log these exceptions remotely. (Powered by NodeJS) [View](https://github.com/i-break-codes/logerr-remote) --- #### Default Configuration & Datatypes ```javascript detailedErrors: true //Boolean true/false, optional remoteLogging: false //Boolean true/false, optional remoteSettings: { //Object {}, required if remoteLogging is set to true url: null, //String '', required if remoteLogging is set to true additionalParams: null, //Object {}, optional successCallback: null, //function() {}, optional errorCallback: null //function() {}, optional } ``` --- #### Roadmap - [✓] Enable/Disable detailedErrors mode in console. - [✓] Remote logging by sending post request - [✓] Cross browser support (Partially fixed) - [✗] Add notifications on the page if any exception. (in progress) ...will add some more stuff to make debugging easy. --- #### Support - Bugs and requests, submit them through the project's issues section - Questions? DM or Tweet me [@mr_ali3n](https://twitter.com/mr_ali3n) Thanks to all contributors, stargazers, pr's, issue submissions for suggesting features and making this more awesome.