### Version History *4.2.17 (2021/07/05)* * Fix player.options.startVolume overwritten by 0 (#2783) * Fix some html comments typos, Strip out old 404 sources (#2772) * Fix issues with fullscreen under Safari (#2762) * Get correct mime type for mov files (#2766) * Fix enableAutosize:false bug see #2753 * Fix rare issue with offscreen.remove() #2752 * Fix DFXP parsing: remove remnants of jQuery use (#2760) * Use the same rendererName variable when calculating isNative (#2759) * Improve formatting of the release.md docs *4.2.16 (2020/03/16)* * Fix 4.2.15 release : update version to 4.2.16, rebuild * Changed multiple urls in demo file (#2749) * Removed FLV and MP4 No Ext de to 404 replaced HLS due to 404 with Akamai Test stream * Replaced Facebook url due to not working Layout is ** up now. Change multple audio files due to not working. api.soundcloud.com has reached it limit for api request therefore not working any more * replaced one supplied by facebook * Facebook video post did not work *4.2.15 (2020/03/10)* * Do not delay starting media on key action (#2745) * Do not call changeRenderer() on empty media (#2743) simplify condition avoid pausing player without media * Trigger pause/play when seeking with keyboard to make analytics work (#2740) * Fix extracting the vimeo video id from private links (#2733) (#2741) * Add option to preprocess caption text before display (#2735) * Add option `captionTextPreprocessor` to allow preprocessing of caption texts using a given callback (#2735) * Improve doc formatting * Fix "config is undefined" when working with volumeSlider using keyboard (#2736) * Remove unnecessary Safari hack (#2731) * Fix time slider and volume slider crash on keypress (#2728) * Changed fullscreeneventname for resolving fullscreen issue in firefox (#2726) * media.seekable fallback for getDuration-method of player/default.js (#2571) * Add new configuration option "ignorePauseOtherPlayersOption" (useful for background(banner) players) * api.md: document "ignorePauseOtherPlayersOption" option * Remove IS_ANDROID from SUPPORTS_NATIVE_HLS (#2720) (#2719) * Add handling of the .play() promise errors to vimeo player (#2715) (#2716) * Make error event handler more robust (#2708) Check if event.target.error exists before accessing it. In some edge cases e.target is no