# Version History *5.0.0 (2021/09/13)* ## The WCAG update To be WCAG 2.1 compliant we had to introduce breaking changes. We had to create a new solution to improve user defined values for colors and text size in the browser. We also improved the semantics and aria attributes for the control bar. By using inline svgs for the control elements we simplified customization with css properties because now `fill:color` and `stroke:color` can be used. * Change default value for fakeNodeName to `div` (#2800) * Copy all files from `/demo` folder to `/build` folder with grunt task * Replace background sprite for controls with svg icon sprite * New option `iconSprite`: path where the svg icon sprite is located, see [standalone documentation](docs/api.md#standalone) * Change `px` to `rem` values in styles * Add attribute `aria-describedby` to volume button *4.2.17 (2021/07/05)* * Fix player.options.startVolume overwritten by 0 (#2783) * Fix some html comments typos, Strip out old 404 sources (#2772) * Fix issues with fullscreen under Safari (#2762) * Get correct mime type for mov files (#2766) * Fix enableAutosize:false bug see #2753 * Fix rare issue with offscreen.remove() #2752 * Fix DFXP parsing: remove remnants of jQuery use (#2760) * Use the same rendererName variable when calculating isNative (#2759) * Improve formatting of the release.md docs *4.2.16 (2020/03/16)* * Fix 4.2.15 release : update version to 4.2.16, rebuild * Changed multiple urls in demo file (#2749) * Removed FLV and MP4 No Ext de to 404 replaced HLS due to 404 with Akamai Test stream * Replaced Facebook url due to not working Layout is ** up now. Change multple audio files due to not working. api.soundcloud.com has reached it limit for api request therefore not working any more * replaced one supplied by facebook * Facebook video post did not work *4.2.15 (2020/03/10)* * Do not delay starting media on key action (#2745) * Do not call changeRenderer() on empty media (#2743) simplify condition avoid pausing player without media * Trigger pause/play when seeking with keyboard to make analytics work (#2740) * Fix extracting the vimeo video id from private links (#2733) (#2741) * Add option to preprocess caption text before display (#2735) * Add option `captionTextPreprocessor` to allow preprocessing of caption texts using a given callback (#2735) * Improve doc formatting * Fix "config is undefined" when working with volumeSlider using keyboard (#2736) * Remove unnecessary Safari hack (#2731) * Fix time slider and volume slider crash on keypress (#2728) * Changed fullscreeneventname for resolving fullscreen issue in firefox (#2726) * media.seekable fallback for getDuration-method of player/default.js (#2571) * Add new configuration option "ignorePauseOtherPlayersOption" (useful for background(banner) players) * api.md: document "ignorePauseOtherPlayersOption" option * Remove IS_ANDROID from SUPPORTS_NATIVE_HLS (#2720) (#2719) * Add handling of the .play() promise errors to vimeo player (#2715) (#2716) * Make error event handler more robust (#2708) Check if event.target.error exists before accessing it. In some edge cases e.target is no